1 hour weight loss meal prep – 93g protein per day + super easy

the easiest meal prep I’ve ever done for a full week of fully prepped meals! It took me just less than an hour to prep all my meals for the week.

I’m showing you a high-protein weight-loss meal prep plan based on how I lost more than 40 lbs! You can either prep 4 or 5 days of fully prepped meals (so a full work week), and it’s very customizable! I’ll show you how to customize this plan to get anywhere from 1200 to 1800 calories per day. You’ll also be getting about 93g protein per day (almost 100g).

These are very simple recipes, but there’s still a lot of flavor – everything is gluten- and dairy-free, and mostly plant-based (everything is vegan except for one thing, but I will give you a vegan alternative for that).

Hope you enjoy!

All the recipes + shopping list on my blog (with calorie info): https://liezljayne.com/easy-weight-loss-meal-prep-in-1-hour-high-protein-meals-healthy-snacks-for-the-week/

00:00 – intro
00:40 – menu (what we’re prepping)
01:09 – breakfast prep (overnight oats)
02:55 – preheating oven
03:11 – snack prep (smoothie)
04:27 – dinner prep (potatoes)
05:26 – dinner prep (vegetables)
06:00 – dinner prep (chicken or tofu)
06:49 – lunch prep (salad)
08:51 – checking oven items
09:05 – dishes
09:10 – dinner prep (serving out)
10:51 – outro
11:16 – how to customize calories

My weight loss meal plans + recipe ebooks

Smoothie from this meal prep plan:
– 4 week weight loss meal prep guide + recipe book: https://guides.liezljayne.com/mealprep/

– 12 week weight-loss guides aka The Beautiful Body Guide (meal plans + workouts): http://guides.liezljayne.com/guides/

– healthy breakfast recipe ebook: https://guides.liezljayne.com/justbreakfast/

more videos from me…

My recent overnight oats meal prep video (with 3 more flavors): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RCeQukCPY5g&t=1s

Videos about my Point System: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmG6XZ6dRgFIjNqGjrFRzXqBmfd3EwSfG
*From The Beautiful Body Guide: http://guides.liezljayne.com/guides/

My meal prep video playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmG6XZ6dRgFIoCB6sUiQVPqJLPVb2c83Y

My weight-loss meal plan videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmG6XZ6dRgFKNlsmnuDaRiaLxSi1VIS7o

My recent videos..
– What I ate to lose 42 lbs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_JWhQh_b30s&t=1s
– My top 3 weight-loss protein smoothies: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X5v3blMaW5U
– Healthy weight loss meal prep – done in 1 hour: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g_CpQqma7wc&t=1016s
– Easy weekday overnight oats (6 flavors): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VOOMaPJQOqk&t=457s
– Easy meal prep salads: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tf8lOrMsgxo
– Easy low-calorie pizza (perfect for weight loss): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_XrJZaynHLg&t=386s
– Cheap healthy weekday breakfasts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0bUf1IHO0w0&t=61s
– The vegan high-protein sandwich I eat every week: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SrlMdO4cH90

Meal prep jars/ containers I used in this video:

12 oz glass Weck jars: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01M71UCKA/?&_encoding=UTF8&tag=liezljayne-20&linkCode=ur2&linkId=f315b120319ec14dc3603942e24bc2f3&camp=1789&creative=9325

20 oz glass Weck jars: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00N36U7II/?&_encoding=UTF8&tag=liezljayne-20&linkCode=ur2&linkId=a2c583ae9f29b83edc7d9f3899ded141&camp=1789&creative=9325

Reusable lids for glass Weck jars: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B073SMMDHH/?_encoding=UTF8&tag=liezljayne-20&linkCode=ur2&linkId=7d275c1f32f655a35bfa2312e9f135d0&camp=1789&creative=9325

36 oz glass meal prep containers: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07JK1LGHQ/?&_encoding=UTF8&tag=liezljayne-20&linkCode=ur2&linkId=94bf3cb8b64bb07a0b75f08a8c15e98c&camp=1789&creative=9325

Food items I used in this video:

Vegan vanilla protein powder: https://www.amazon.com/Garden-Life-Packaging-Certified-Probiotics/dp/B007SYT7LO/?_encoding=UTF8&tag=liezljayne-20&linkCode=ur2&linkId=b069899b0f89ad8915473fbb0f3f629a&camp=1789&creative=9325

Instant freeze-dried coffee:

*some links may be affiliate links

my social links + blog:

instagram @liezljayne
tiktok @liezljayne
my blog: http://liezljayne.com/
my ebooks: https://guides.liezljayne.com/
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/liezljayne.blog

this video is purely intended as/ and for entertainment purposes. this information/ video is not intended as medical advice. always consult with your health/ medical practitioner or doctor before you try a new eating plan or diet. there are no guaranteed results from this video. this video is not sponsored, all opinions are my own.

This content was originally published here.

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