55-yo Terry Crews’ Jacked Physique Update Ignites ‘Juicing’ Rumors Among Fans – Fitness Volt

Actor and fitness enthusiast Terry Crews is familiar with keeping up his physique both in sports and for the on-screen demands of acting. In an Instagram post made by Men’s Health, Crews is seen drenched in sweat, showcasing a massive physique. 

Terry Crews is a former NFL player for the Los Angeles Rams who shifted into acting after retiring in 1997. Most commonly known for his roles in White Chicks, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, and The Expendables series, Crews’ career has encouraged him to maintain a jacked build, which he credits for helping him look good and feel good. 

Terry Crews has been a source of motivation for other actors in Hollywood as well and fans alike. Crews is passionate about exercising though he has shared that he doesn’t like to train like a bodybuilder since he’d rather not look too huge and bulky, instead preferring a more lean and sculpted physique. 

Terry Crews Shows Off Incredible Body At 55-Years-Old

The pec-popping Hollywood star follows a strict intermittent fasting lifestyle along with a rigorous workout routine that includes plenty of cardio and high-intensity interval training. This training style has seen to it that Crews is able to maintain his chiseled look even into his mid-50s.

Recently Terry Crews caught Men’s Health Magazine’s attention who shared an image of him appearing absolutely yolked. 

“Terry Crews’ pecs, biceps, abs, and forearms. That’s it. That’s the post” Men’s Health wrote.

Though Terry Crews seems like nothing but a marvel with his lean muscularity, users took to the comments sharing their undecided opinions on the movie star. Some were amazed and took to the comments sharing, 

“Forgot delts, traps…🔥” and “Isn’t he like 50! 👏🏾👏🏾”

While others were unimpressed and had no qualms about making their opinion known,

“That’s steroids. That’s the post”, “Hard work and TRT pays off”
and “Is this supposed to represent health?”

Though some fans may speculate that he has earned his physique with more than just hard work at the gym and a well maintained diet, Crews still sports an incredible build that shows his dedication to an active lifestyle. 
Terry Crews isn’t the only celebrity focusing on their health, recently Hugh Jackman shared his intense cardio workout in preparation for his upcoming role as Wolverine in Deadpool 3. Actor Ryan Reynolds admitted to trying to keep up with Jackman who he described as ‘beast.’

RELATED: Terry Crews Shares The Video of Chest And Arms Workout Hours Before AGT Semi-final
Given the busy lifestyle and the demands of a Hollywood celebrity, many have taken motivation and inspiration away from Terry Crews’ dedication to bettering his life with fitness and nutrition. 

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This content was originally published here.

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