8 Steps to Treating Green-Eye Discharge in Dogs | Dr. Dobias – Dr. Dobias Natural Healing

Common causes of green eye discharge in dogs can be treated without antibiotics

Green eye discharge (or as some people say, “green eye boogers”) is a common problem in puppies and adult dogs. Most people immediately jump to the conclusion that green or whitish discharge or mucus must mean there is an infection, but this is not necessarily true.

You, too, may be asking, “Why does my dog have eye discharge
or green eye boogers?” and here are some of the most common causes:

  Breed predilection: For example, Boxers, Labs, Golden Retrievers, Great Danes and many short-nosed breeds. 

How to Treat Green, Yellowish or Purulent (puss like) Eye Discharge
Conventional point of view

In a conventional veterinary practice, antibiotics with corticosteroids are usually prescribed. The problem goes away for some time, but then returns over and over until it becomes chronic.

However, one of the primary causes of green eye discharge is toxin build up and repeated vaccinations. This is even more evident in young puppies as numerous and unnecessary vaccine boosters are given in a rapid sequence. By the time a puppy is three to four months old, they often receive their first prescription of a steroid or antibiotic eye ointment, which also absorbs into the body and causes systemic side-effects.

Holistic point of view

From a holistic point of view, discharge is the body’s way of cleansing and getting rid of impurities and toxins. How else can the body get rid of mercury and formaldehyde from vaccines or impurities from food or the environment?

Administering corticosteroids suppresses the body’s natural defences and the immune system’s efforts to cleanse.

Using steroids for a simple eye discharge can be compared to locking up a full garbage bin in your kitchen cabinet and never taking it out. 

Important info about eye infections

In fact, true bacterial eye infections are very rare and cleansing discharge is often mistakenly called an eye infection. The eye has a natural ability to resist bacteria and if you see eye discharge with a little redness of the conjunctiva, there is usually no need to panic.

However, if your dog seems to be in discomfort or a simple eye redness or discharge doesn’t go away within a reasonable amount of time, I suggest you seek an examination by a veterinarian. This is important to ensure there is not a serious eye problem.

However, if you see that your dog has greenish eye discharge that has just started, or your vet didn’t find any serious problems within the actual eye globe, such as glaucoma, uveitis or dry eye, I suggest that you give the following protocol a try before resorting to drugs.


How long will it take to see results?

If you follow the above list, your dog’s eyes should clear within a few days or a couple of weeks at most, depending on the severity of the condition. If there is no improvement within three to four weeks, take your dog to be re-examined by your veterinarian.

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This content was originally published here.

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