96 Reasons The Vaccine “safe And Effective” Narrative Is Falling Apart – Steve Kirsch | Holistic Health Online

Here is my list of nearly 100 indicators that the “safe and effective” narrative is falling apart.

It is a devastating list.

And for some reason, nobody wants to fact check me on it.

It will take you 42 minutes to read everything which is too long for most people, so feel free to pick and choose what you read to get a sense for the entire list.

This is a “kitchen sink” article listing some of the best examples showing that the narrative is falling apart.

Feel free to create derivative works of this list (e.g., pick your set of the most compelling arguments).




Even John Campbell, who is pro-vaccine, admits that a troubling number of unexplained excess deaths are not just happening in the UK: they are happening worldwide. Just listen to the first 30 seconds of this video. Of course, the CDC isn’t investigating anything even though American life insurance companies are reporting deaths that are off-the-charts. The CDC is NEVER going to investigate this. It’s bigger than COVID and they know full well what it is. That’s why they are NOT going to investigate and The NY Times is NEVER going to fault them for this. After all, it’s only the biggest medical cause of death in our history.

Think about all the rock concerts that have been terminated or canceled due to medical reasons. Justin Bieber, Santana, … Brett Michaels. They never give the cause as the vaccine so they have to make something up (Santana) or simply refuse to disclose it (Michaels). Someone sent me a list of four other concerts that were canceled within the past few months. This isn’t normal folks. But most people never attend rock concerts in different parts of the country so they never figure it out. Also, Santana cancelled six upcoming concerts to recover from dehydration. All the doctors I talked to said that makes no sense. Worst case he’d get IV fluids and be back to normal in a few hours. So the explanation doesn’t fit. But other celebrities are speaking out on their vaccine injuries such as Eric Clapton, but they aren’t well publicized (Clapton’s video has just 66,000 views as of July 11, 2022).


7. There is no response from any fact checkers on this.


2020 93

2021 increased 39%

The highest increase year-over-year prior to 2021 was 22%.

2021 was 51% higher than the 7 year average.

Weaker hearts can’t handle stressful swimming. Wonder why?





I’ll update this list over time, but that’s the list off the top of my head on what is going on. The momentum is all moving in our direction from what I can see.

As always, check out the comments below for additional insights from my readers. I’m only telling part of the story. There are over 1,000 comments you should read in addition to my article.
See Steve’s substack here where you can subscribe: https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/the-safe-and-effective-narrative

This content was originally published here.

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