First Sniffle: Natural Remedies for Colds, Flu and Respiratory Issues E- Book First Sniffle: Natural Remedies for Colds, Flu and Respiratory Issues E-Book Colds, Flu, Covid, RSV… UGH.” We all know the feeling, and it’s no fun. “First Sniffle” cuts through the noise to offer simple, effective natural remedies for these ailments. I developed this prorocol after my dear freind, Maria, needless died from COVID 19. This E book is complimentoary to a Spotlight Class of the Same name taught live and recorded. in 2021 This 26 -page eBook is split into two practical parts: Part I: Hint of a Cold Discover a straightforward vitamin and natural remedy protocol that’s not just theory; it’s what I use myself and recommend to my clients and customes at the first sign of illness. Part II: The Formulas Here, you’ll find the exact natural remedies and essential oil blends I rely on and why Diffuser Blend – BreathEase Respire Blend: Enhance your respiratory health with this soothing diffuser blend. Throat Soothe Relief Blend: A gentle, effective formula for those nagging throat irritations. Deep Breathe Balm Formula for Chest Rub Recipe: An aromatic chest rub to aid in deeper, more comfortable breathing. Honey Soother: A sweet, natural remedy for soothing discomfort. Serene Breath Inhaler Blend: Promoting a sense of calm and clear breathing. Diffuser Blend – BreathEase Respire Blend: Enhance your respiratory health with this soothing diffuser blend. Throat Soothe Relief Blend: A gentle, effective formula for those nagging throat irritations. Deep Breathe Balm Formula for Chest Rub Recipe: An aromatic chest rub to aid in deeper, more comfortable breathing. Honey Soother: A sweet, natural remedy for soothing discomfort. Serene Breath Inhaler Blend: Promoting a sense of calm and clear breathing. Diffuser Blend – BreathEase Respire Blend: Enhance your respiratory health with this soothing diffuser blend. “First Sniffle” it’s about giving you real, usable advice for dealing with respiratory issues in a more natural way. It’s about what works, plain and simple. And has helped many. If you are interested in learning how to use essential oils internally for issues such as these, book a consult with me or enroll in The Therapeutic and Intenal Use Class. Take your ppwer power back. After purchasing, you will recieve a link in your email for the book! Andrea will send it to you!
This content was originally published here.