Forget Painkillers: Get Rid of Headaches with These Natural Remedies – Rocket City Chiropractic

Forget Painkillers: Get Rid of Headaches with These Natural Remedies

Many people think that headaches are a common fact of life. That you just randomly get headaches throughout the week, and you just have to deal with them. But that’s not true and medicines not only can cause serious health issues if overused, they also mask what your body is trying to tell you.

Rather than relying on painkillers to mask headache pain, try one of the following natural remedies to fight headaches in a healthier way. 

What Causes Headaches?

A headache is typically an indicator that your body is in need of something. Maybe you are dehydrated and need more water. Perhaps you need time to take a few deep breaths and rest awhile. Or maybe you need to change your diet, as sometimes a vitamin or nutrient deficiency or a food sensitivity can cause tension headaches. 

Of course, there are many other triggers for headaches, including:

Most headaches are a sign that you need to make a change in your lifestyle in some way, while sometimes headaches, particularly migraines, are hereditary and may run in families.

How Do You Get Rid of a Headache Naturally?

If you’re looking for a natural way to get rid of a headache, you’ve come to the right place. Headaches can be debilitating, but you probably want to avoid over-the-counter painkillers like aspirin and acetaminophen, which can cause other health problems. 

Thankfully, there are numerous natural choices for quickly relieving headache pain without further damaging your body. Consider the following options for fighting headaches.

People with low levels of magnesium are prone to suffer serious headaches, such as migraines. Individuals prone to low magnesium include:

Magnesium is much safer than taking a painkiller. Certain brain signals produce visual and sensory changes common with migraines. Magnesium can prevent these signals while blocking pain-transmitting chemicals in the brain, thereby acting like a pain relief medication, without the dangers. 

According to the National Library of Medicine, magnesium is a well-tolerated and safe alternative to painkillers. Research shows that it is a preferred treatment option for headaches, including migraines, tension headaches, and cluster headaches. 

Dietary sources of magnesium include beans, whole grains, seeds, nuts, and certain vegetables, such as broccoli, squash, and leafy greens. Dairy products, meats, chocolate, and coffee also include decent amounts of magnesium. 

Gluten-Free Diet

People who have a sensitivity to gluten – even if they don’t know it yet – can develop headaches from eating gluten. Patients with undiagnosed celiac disease and migraine headaches often find a significant reduction in headache occurrences once they remove gluten from their diet. 

Even if you don’t have celiac disease, you may have a gluten sensitivity that is causing migraines. Cutting back on your gluten intake, or removing it from your diet entirely, may be all it takes to reduce the number of headaches you experience. 

Peppermint and Lavender Essential Oils

Essential oils have been found to provide numerous health benefits, and the calming effects of peppermint and lavender essential oils can provide natural relief for headaches. 

Peppermint oil provides a cooling effect on the skin. Applying the oil, particularly in combination with ethanol, can increase skin blood flow, soothe muscle contractions, and reduce headache sensitivity.

Lavender oil is often used as a mood stabilizer and sedative. In many people, lavender effectively treats migraine headaches. Place a few drops of oil directly on your forehead and Inhale the scent of the oil for 15 minutes at the outbreak of pain for best results. If the scent is too strong, you can dilute it by mixing it with almond, grapeseed, or coconut oil. 

Additional Natural Remedies

There are other natural remedies to consider, which help relieve the pain associated with migraines and headaches. They include:

How Can Chiropractic Care Relieve Headaches?

Chiropractic care is exactly what you’re seeking if you want a drug-free and surgery-free path to natural healing. A chiropractor reduces oxidative stress in the body in the same way that antioxidants do. 

Clinical studies have proven that spinal manipulation can help treat headaches, with a 90 percent reduction of headaches in 22 percent of participants. Forty-nine percent of people in the study reported that the intensity of their headache was significantly reduced following spinal manipulation from their chiropractor. 

Chiropractic adjustments have been shown to alleviate stress, reduce tension, and decrease the number of migraine headaches. If you are experiencing regular headaches, consider visiting your chiropractor for a diagnosis and treatment options, including spinal manipulation. Regular visits to your chiropractor may be beneficial to managing your headaches, and you can begin today by scheduling a chiropractic appointment online or call us today.

This article is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for in-person advice or care from a medical professional.

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