How To REGROW Receding Gums (FIX Gum Recession At Home)

Understanding the Causes and Effects of Gum Recession

Well, there’s a lot going on here.I realize that I’m going to try and simplify this, but it is a complicated topic because it occurs a lot and there’s a great deal of misunderstanding about the reasons or the causes for gum recession. So, first of all, let’s look at the tooth: try not to look at all the words on the side. Just let’s look at this tooth. This is a section through the tooth with the enamel on the outside and then the red part, which I took some time to color in so that you can see the problem see. The problem, if you have gum recession, is that you expose the part of the tooth between the part that’s covered by enamel, which is the enamel covering kind of ends here at the gum line right here and when your gum recedes. As you see, the gum on this side is higher when it recedes down and we’ll talk about why that happens in a minute it leaves the root of the tooth. The part that’s not covered in enamel exposed.

Understanding the Vulnerability of Cement and Root Tooth Structure

Now this may just be a millimeter or two, but sometimes it can be quite a substantial area, and the trouble is that the cement which is on the outside and the root of the tooth is just not equipped to deal with all the things we eat and Drink the acid attacks, the sugary attacks it has no covering like enamel enamel, as you will learn. If you follow me, has the ability to repair and regenerate itself every day so that it stays strong, it stays protective. Unfortunately, the cement and the root of your tooth is not designed to withstand those same challenges, and the problem then occurs. Not only could that be sensitive for you and we’re going to talk about this here in a minute the symptoms, but you can get this part of the tooth to gradually wear away and what happens, then? Is you get this this dip? You get this missing part of the tooth here on this.

The Importance of Protecting Exposed Teeth to Relieve Tooth Pain

This exposed area where there is no protection, so the tooth begins to literally wear away, and the reason that I did all this red coloring is to show you when that occurs. How close you are to the nerve in the center of the tooth and you have no protective covering? So no wonder this is excruciatingly painful! No wonder your tooth is telling you there’s a problem, and this is why I don’t really personally believe the best treatment is to put a filling there.I have gum recession that occurred when I was a dental student and I have never had it fixed, never had those side, little dents in my teeth covered over. They are fine. Now they have been there for 50 plus years and they’re no longer sensitive, because I’ve allowed the inside of the tooth to do its healing, which it does. If you take care of it, it will do its healing and the gum has grown up substantially.

The Consequences of Receding Gums: Sensitivity and Tooth Decay

It hasn’t completely because I lost some tooth area and you can’t get the gum to grow back up when you have lost you’ve got this big indent into your tooth. So let’s talk about why you go to the dentist and you have the sensitivity. You probably have pain when you eat something hot or cold, very acute.I mean I’ve had people who’ve got, you know they just can’t drink hot coffee or anything iced anymore, that Margarita is impossible and the other real issue. If you are in a mouth that wears a lot of sugary or carbohydrates being eaten or sipped drinks with sugary drinks, that you can get tooth decay here and as as we’ve said, there’s no protection, you’re, incredibly close to the nerve inside the tooth. The vital part of the tooth – and it is extremely easy for these side – uh lesions, this erosion or if it’s a cavity, that then starts to form that you can kill the tooth. And if you kill the tooth, I have nothing in my toolbox to bring a dead tooth back to life.

The Challenges and Future Potential for Restoring Dead Teeth

So if a tooth is dead, you need to either have a root canal done or you will need to have the tooth extracted and then maybe you have an implant. There is no miracle cure right now for bringing a tooth back to life when you have killed the nerve.I think that, maybe in the future, when stem cells get really used well, I think there’s a possibility, but at this moment, if you allow the Decay or the damage to occur into the nerve in the center, your tooth will probably die and need a root canal And that is the reason again that I believe it’s almost better not to have a filling, because in order to make a filling work, your dentist has to put quite toxic, quite acidic things right at the base of this filling in order to get it to stick And just putting something really acidic, that close to the nerve can be a reason that the nerve Dives. So I I would advise you to take your time to rush into having a filling consider the options. And what are the options is not to do anything.

Preventive measures and strengthening techniques to regrow receding gums and restore oral health

But do preventive work to strengthen your teeth, to grow back the Gum as much as possible, get your mouth truly healthy reform, the layer that you may have lost, which is your protective bio film. This is a covering that is supposed to be over your teeth and we’re going to talk about that more in a minute that gets melted away by using wrong oral care products or artificially whitening your teeth. You will melt away the protective layer that stops your government’s receding in the first place. So let’s start here and tell you what this is not about, if you came to me and you had a groove along the upper teeth and now maybe along the lower teeth. This erosion like this, I would not tell you, I would not tell you as a dentist.I would not tell you that it was your fault for brushing the wrong way. Unfortunately, lots of people get told that, and it’s not the fault of your brushing. If you had been brushing enamel enamel is extremely hard.

The Importance of Proper Oral Care in Gum Regeneration

It’S not going to be damaged by your toothbrushing and you didn’t cause you weren’t. The reason why your gum is receded. Something else occurred to make your guns recede and once they have receded, then you have to be careful what you do because, yes, then perhaps you could wear away the cement on the uh on this soft part of the tooth. But the reason that I don’t want you to be scared of brushing is that it requires brushing to regenerate the gums back up the tooth, so I do not believe it’s about brushing.I believe the reason that you lose your gums and they shrink down your teeth. The first thing to think about is how acidic is your mouth and for how long every day, are you sipping soda? Are you sipping Sparkling Waters? Are you sipping white wine before you go to bed at night and not changing the pH in your mouth before you go to bed to go to sleep? Maybe you’d have a dry mouth.

The Impact of Acidity on Enamel and Gum Erosion: A Key Factor in Regrowing Receding Gums

There are these reasons and that around the topic of acidity, which I talk about a lot because the more acidic your mouth, the more chance you have for erosion for enamel crystals, breaking off your enamel, which can happen at the end here that, right above the junction, Where your enamel and your root of your teeth meet together, little enamel crystals can break off and make this area of erosion actually worse higher and worse, and you can literally have lost some enamel. So, look for acidity as one of the main reasons for your gums receiving and also for a loss of enamel. That leaves you with this groove up at the gum line.

Causes and Prevention of Tooth Erosion and Receding Gums

Some people believe that it’s it’s to do with grinding your teeth and the bending and flexing of your teeth that creates this. This erosion, this this wearing away and that’s partly true again, these little crystals can break off as your teeth are are moving, but they won’t break off if you have prepared your mouth adequately, if you have this protective, covering over your teeth, if your teeth are properly Cared for every day, the reason that you might get that to happen is if you have acid reflux, if you’re going to bed with something acidic on your teeth. And let me warn you now that a lot of mouth rinses are acidic and you don’t want an acidic mouth rinse, except in very unique circumstances.

The Hidden Dangers of Citrus Fruits and Teeth Grinding

So, let’s not go into that now, but there are lots of things that you may be doing if you’re sucking uh citrus fruits a lot if you’re um, you know again whitening your teeth, there’s a lot of acidity and the crest whites trip it has a pH Of literally battery acid – and these are things people don’t realize, and then, if you grind your teeth, if you have acid softened teeth, if the crystals have been eroded, it basically dissolved away, and these little crystals here easily fracture off your teeth. Your dentist may want to give you a night guard, because you grind your teeth: if you’re not going to change your habits, that might be the best thing to do. If you’re prepared to change your habits and deal with the underlying problem, you can stop this from occurring and avoid having a piece of plastic in your mouth.24. 7 for the rest of your life.I know I wouldn’t want a night guard, so you know it’s up to you.

Promoting Gum Tissue Regrowth: Key Strategies for Overcoming Sensitivity and Decay

If you were not going to change your habits, if you’re not going to do a better job with using products that help and support your enamel, then maybe you need a night guard, but that’s not the therapy that I would recommend. So you have the sensitivity, you have this pain, you have the potential for Decay, you you have this groove and you have your gums that have receded. So how do you get it to grow back? Let’S talk about that first. Well, I would begin by looking at the kind of toothbrush that you have try to make sure your toothbrush isn’t too soft. You need a brush that will be able to stimulate and massage your gums, because that is how you get new blood vessels through a process called angiogenesis to regrow and as they regrow they can support the new growth of this gum tissue, even if you’ve been told Gum tissue doesn’t regrow if you support it.

Discover the Power of Gum Massage for Regrowing Receding Gums and Bone

If you massage the gums with a adequately resilient toothbrush, you will stimulate new blood vessels and new blood blood vessels can bring the necessary equipment that your guns need to regrow and even if you’ve lost bone. If you can regrow the gums, you can regrow the bone, can’t regrow the boat until you regrow the butt, the gum tissue, but both can regenerate it isn’t out of the question so don’t give up until you looked at my videos on my website on the boot Camp videos, one and two are: actually you can access those uh very easily and learn how to massage your gums with a toothbrush. There are also YouTube videos.I mean I have talked about this a lot, but if you go to Dr ellie. com, you can learn how to massage your gums and what kind of toothbrush to use, not a soft squashy feather soft toothbrush just because you have gum recession.

Achieve Healthy Gums with an Effective Mouth Care System

The last thing you want to do is use a soft toothbrush. You need a toothbrush that can support the regrowth of your gum tissue and I would recommend that, along with those things, you use my complete mouth care system and I won’t go through that now because we have videos of that. But it is a sequence of mouth rinsing that goes together with certain kind of toothpaste and the use of Xylitol, and what that complete mouth care system can do is get rid of any potential infections. Stop any Decay that might be happening, help to regrow the protective biofilm over your teeth and help your gums to regrow healthily back and the sooner you do this. If you’ve just started to see some gum recession, we the sooner you use these techniques and stop damaging your gums, which is the last thing we’re going to talk about here.

The Secret to Regrowing Receding Gums: Stop Flossing and Try This Complete Mouth Care System

What damages your gums? Really the secret for why you have gum recession, which is not what you’re usually told in my opinion, you want to look here for your problems and when you do these things, the gum, massage the great brush, the complete mouth care system and Xylitol all together. As a as a new strategy for looking after your teeth, usually within six months, you will see those gums regrow, but you have to stop damaging it and you stop damaging them by stop flossing stop it do not floss every time you floss, you are beating on These guns, it is not because you have an infection that you have gum recession, it’s unlikely and even if you do have a gum infection, I do not recommend floss as the number one thing you should be doing, because you could push the bacteria into your bloodstream. Your best bet is to use these these complete mouth care system, the sequence of rinses, the Xylitol and the brushing avoid flossing.

The Importance of Gentle Treatment and Avoiding Whitening Products for Healing Receding Gums

If you have something stuck a little bit of food stuck then do it very, very gently treat this like a wound, treat your gums that have receded like a wound. Would you floss a wound on your knee and expect it to like that and grow back the skin quicker you wouldn’t you would leave it alone, you would protect it and cover it and try and encourage it with good food. Good nutrition. You know boost your immune system. All those things are important. Sleep exercise, circulation, Joy, all those things, a part of healing – and this is all part of healing, but on a more practical level for what else you should stop doing, you will absolutely have to stop whitening. Your teeth with artificial whitening products that contain strong acids and peroxide. No wonder your gums, don’t like it! It is a crazy thing to do to your gums and a crazy thing to do is your teeth too, but also the use of baking soda lots of people.

Beware of Homemade Toothpaste: Potential Risks and Ineffectiveness for Gum Regrowth

Think they want to make their own homemade toothpaste with baking soda and sometimes peroxide mixed in it, and sometimes some clove or name or some other lavender essential oil of some kind. They’Ve heard eucalyptus is good for regrowing gums, don’t make your own products because they are too strong. They you need such a tiny amount of something that works. Neem does not work for making your gums regrow, neither does clove oil and if you use clove oil, where it’s painful over here, I would guarantee guarantee that you will kill the nerve inside this tooth because it will diffuse these essential oils travel. That’S what they’re good at they’re good at diffusing through! So if you were to put clove oil on this painful side of your tooth, you, you have just killed your tooth, so don’t use these so-called natural therapies without knowing what you’re doing and so no lightning.

The Importance of Maintaining Healthy Biofilm for Regrowing Gums

No baking soda, none of the clove oil on neem, don’t whatever you do, go and have a dental cleaning at this moment, because that will strip again the healthy biofilm that we need to protect the outside of your teeth and to protect the outside of the cementum. That your biofilm, when it’s healthy, this protein layer, forms all over your mouth and during a dental cleaning, it will be cleaned off your teeth, almost completely mechanically cleaned away, and I am saying you need every single millimeter of that protective covering until you get your gums To regrow, so continuous cleanings are going to be working against you and the only reason to go for continuous cleaning is, if you really have horrible oral health and your, if you have horrible oral health, you haven’t listened to me, you’re, not brushing the way.I recommend. You’Re not using my complete mouth care system, you’re not doing adequate. Xylitol then go have the cleaning because you’re not going to regrow your gums.

Tips for Maintaining Oral Health and Preventing Gum Recession

Unless you do these things. But if you do all these things, you don’t need the cleaning you’re controlling any oxalic or citric acids eat citrus fruits only as part of a meal and things like kale and spinach they’re, not good for snacking on because of the oxalic acid in these vegetables. So try to keep those vegetables that contain oxalic acid at meal times try and have them with some sort of fat, some kind of oil, some olive oil or some butter on them, because that will try to protect the oxalic acid from actually reaching against your biofilm And dissolving it away, that’s actually what happens so sipping drinks and even water is going to be quite damaging and diff make it more difficult for you to heal the gum recession. So try when you’ve finished, eating and drinking have a little bit of Xylitol and then do not eat or drink for 30 to 60 minutes after your meal, and if you have a dry mouth and or you have acid reflux, that would be the same thing.

Optimizing Meal Times and Xylitol Use to Promote Gum Tissue Regrowth

Try to keep your meals limited to these sessions of eating and drinking end the meal with Xylitol, something like zelly’s mints and then do not eat or drink for 30 to 60 Minutes afterwards, because this will give the good bacteria in your mouth a chance to organize And form this protective biofilm that is necessary if we are going to regrow the gum tissue back up the tooth again, which you can do providing you haven’t lost too much of the tooth surface. That’S the caveat to this. So it’s still worth even if you have lost you have a channel like I do.I keep.I have kept my gum tissue at that same level. It’S never got worse for 50 years, so you can do that too.

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