I’m a dermatologist – a common anti-aging skincare error and the face-washing mistake that will make you look older

A BEAUTY expert has revealed the skincare habits that seem harmless but make achieving a youthful glow harder.

Her game changing advice doesn’t require spending money on new products or adding more steps to your current routine.

A dermatologist revealed the most common skincare mistakes she sees people make
She also offered expert advice for how to correct each one and achieve healthier skin

In a , the skincare pro Derm Guru () explained why each mistake was harmful and offered a tip for correcting.

She started off by saying: “I’m a dermatologist and here are five common skincare mistakes you’re probably making.”

The first habit she pointed out was waiting too long to start using anti-aging products.

She explained that the best age range for beginning anti-aging skincare is in your teens or 20s.

This is because we tend to experience the most sun exposure during these times.

“You want to make sure you’re starting your SPF and retinol in your 20s,” she suggested.

She added that by the time you reach your 30s, “the damage has already been done.”

The next common mistake she pointed out was applying moisturizer and hyaluronic acid to dry skin.

She said that doing this won’t get you the benefits you deserve. Instead, she recommended applying before the skin dries.

“By applying it to damp skin, it’s actually increasing the ability to moisturize and hydrate,” she explained.

Another common habit she called out was only applying products to the face while neglecting the neck and chest area.

She said these areas tend to get just as much exposure as the face and age quicker unless SPF is applied there consistently.

One of her recommendations included applying moisturizer to damp skin
She also encouraged viewers to make sure their neck and chest areas weren’t ignored

Improper face-washing is the fourth mistake on her list.

She said: “If you’re using makeup wipes, you’re doing it wrong. If you’re using aggressive scrubs, you’re doing it wrong.

She further explained what happens when we don’t remove the dirt, debris, and sweat that’s accumulated on our faces during the day.

“If we don’t get that off our skin, it’s going to clog our pores and make us look older,” she said.

“It can also lead to acne breakouts and rosacea flares.”

She said that unless you’re taking more time to apply a cleanser to your face, you’re not doing it right.

“If you’re not cleansing your skin for at least 30 seconds, you’re doing it wrong.”

She concluded her PSA by telling viewers to “brush your teeth and then wash your face” since doing the opposite can cause irritation.

“When you’re brushing your teeth, you’re leaving behind saliva, toothpaste, and bacteria on the skin,” she said.

“It can lead to acne breakouts or perioral dermatitis.”

While some commenters were eager for Derm Guru to answer their most burning skincare question, others confirmed her advice works.

“She is correct. I’m 71 years old with skin like a baby. Been doing this for decades,” wrote one person.

“My skin is happiest when I spray with Avène thermal water before my hyaluronic acid and moisturizer,” added another viewer.

There were also supporters grateful to come across her easy advice.

One commenter said: “Wow, love all your tips!”

Another person agreed: “Omg thanks. I love your tips.”

She said people should be washing their face for at least 30 seconds before rinsing
Teeth brushing after face washing could also lead to breakouts and irritation

This content was originally published here.

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