JUICING FOR BEGINNERS| Weight Loss, Detox & Clear Skin + Benefits | Juice Recipes

Beginner friendly juice recipes. Green Juice & Grapefruit juices are perfect for weight loss, detoxing and gut health!

Green Juice Recipe:
• celery
• apples

Grapefruit Juice Recipe:
• grapefruit (can be used alone)
• pineapple

Here are some benefits of juicing ✨
Grapefruit Juice:
•weight loss
•Rich in vitamin C
•Reduce fever
•Boosts your immune system
•printed digestion

Celery Juice:
•lowers inflammation
•supports Weight loss
•helps heal digestion
•reduces bloating
•fights infections
•protects liver health
•healing for acne

Comment some juice recipes I should try! ❤️

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//A S H L E Y
My name is Ashley Smith-Neily I own an online women’s clothing store: The Style District https://shopthestyledistrict.com/ as well as working a full time job. This channel takes you through my journey of building my business from the ground up, while sharing information on how I market, strategize and operate my business. You will also find lifestyle and beauty related content of this channel as well. I was inspired to start this channel because I want to share my journey as a black small business owner. You should subscribe to my channel because I create day in the life entrepreneurship videos where I show behind the scenes of running an online business, as well as vlogs, and beauty related videos. I upload videos twice a week 🙂

#juicecleanse #detoxjuice #juicerecipe #greenjuice #celeryjuice #celeryjuicechallenge #juicing

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