Man almost starves to death after fasting “so God would offe…

Man nearly starves to death after fasting “so God would offer him a Lamborghini”

Deluded guy starved for more than a month so God would provide him a Lambo.

Mark Muradzira, a deeply religious 27-year-old male from Zimbabwe, believed that God would offer him a Lamborghini if he fasted for 40 days and 40 nights in the wilderness. The young man thought starving would suffice for getting God’s grace and the automobile of his girlfriend’s dreams.

As Daily Star reveals, the Youth Leader of Risen Saints Church in Bindura spent over a month in remote mountain country, far from all temptations. His plan of sustaining 40 days and nights without food stopped working, as he passed out a week before he was expected to end his fasting journey.

Muradzira was discovered by concerned buddies who tracked him down after 33 days and took him to Bindura General Hospital. At the time, the emaciated 27-year-old is stated to be recovering.

The jobless man was desperate to offer his girlfriend the automobile of her dreams– a Lamborghini. He could not discover the thousands of dollars needed for such a high-end car, so he hoped that by fasting for 40 days, God would hear his prayers and sent him the Lambo.

Clearly not impressed by Muradzira’s sacrifice, his church leader Bishop Mawuru stated:

“He must at least have fasted for a task given that he is unemployed.”

However, the man’s fellow worshipers attempted to raise sufficient money for the car given that it was so important for Muradzira. But the cash they raised– around $40, was absolutely insufficient for a $200,000 Lambo. Rather, they partially covered the male’s massive medical expense.

This material was originally released here.

Mark Muradzira, a deeply spiritual 27-year-old male from Zimbabwe, believed that God would provide him a Lamborghini if he fasted for 40 days and 40 nights in the wilderness. The unemployed guy was desperate to provide his sweetheart the vehicle of her dreams– a Lamborghini. The money they raised– around $40, was absolutely not enough for a $200,000 Lambo.

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