Murder, Chemicals In Organic Food – Two Ways Thanksgiving Is Hazardous To Your Health

Some risks are real, even if relatively slight; a lot more people driving mean more accidents and if you have a family member who is an International Agency for Research on Cancer epidemiologist, they will ignore the greater amount of driving and just tell you that Thanksgiving is deadly.(1) Food safety matters. Turkey should be 165 degrees Fahrenheit and ham 145, but anyone telling you that in a press release might as well be taking the bold stand of endorsing clean water. What few people talk about are things like being murdered or ingesting endocrine disrupting chemicals in certified organic food – even if a company filled out the form and sent $3,000 to Non-GMO Project for a sticker. Yet the relative risk of being murdered is greater than dying from a food allergy on Thanksgiving.(2) For example, a European person has a 1.81 chance in a million of dying from anaphylaxis while the risk of being murdered is 11 in a million – that translates to a 600% greater risk of being murdered than dying from a food allergy. Please pass the ammunition! If you believe in Bigfoot, the u-shaped curves of “endocrine disrupting” chemicals. or other types of homeopathy, the toxic chemicals in a 100 percent organic Thanks giving meal should terrify you. Even if your food is certified expensive…I mean certified organic. Credit and link: Capital Press ORGANIC STARTERS Organic Baby Greens – Nitrates and 3-O-(2’’-O-methylmalonnyl-β-D glucopyranoside)-4’-O-β-D-glucopyranoside Roasted Golden and Red Beets – Caffeic acid Crumbled Goat Cheese -Estrogen (endocrine disrupting chemical) Grape Tomatoes – Solanine neurotoxin Candied Walnuts – Aflatoxins Dijon Dressing – Allyl isothiocyanate Celery – Caffeic acid Broccoli – Allyl isothiocyanate Rolls with butter – Acetaldehyde, benzene, ethyl carbonate. ORGANIC ENTREES Potatoes – Dolanine, arsenic, chaconine, caffeic acid and ethyl alcohol, that last one is also a human carcinogen. Turkey – Heterocyclic amines, rodent carcinogens and mutagens. Even that $300 “Heritage” turkey from Williams-Sonoma. They advertise that they are “free of antibiotics and hormones”, which is literally the same as the cheapest turkey in Safeway, but they can’t claim they are free of toxic compounds. At least if you are clueless or an anti-science activist who thinks rats are little people. And if you think this turkey is healthier, you are one or the other. Stuffing – Some of the ones mentioned above plus acrylamide, dihydrazines and more. Tomato Risotto – Lycopene Grilled Asparagus – Saponins Grilled Pepper Crusted Filet of Beef – N-nitroso compounds Bordelaise Sauce – Ethanol Cranberry sauce – furan derivatives, which are mutagens (see the Great Cranberry Scare of 1959 for more) ORGANIC DESSERT Chocolate Cake – Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons Vanilla Crème Anglaise – Benzene Fresh Raspberries – Quercetin Coffee – Freshly Brewed Acrylamide plus hydrogen peroxide, a mutagen and rodent carcinogen Decaffeinated Coffee – Furan Herbal and Caffeinated Teas – Variety of Benzo[A]pyran Pumpkin pie – Benzo(a)pyrene, coumarin, methyl eugenol and safrole NOTES: (1) IARC, once an important cancer epidemiology group, have collapsed in prestige since 2009. Not only do they ignore dose, in their quest to declare things a hazard (which means they will include papers using 10,000 doses of something to declare a chemical hazardous, even if humans may get only 1. The entire field was in decline long before that. A group once so conservative they refused to accept that cancer might have a hereditary component began to chase the money in the 1980s – led by Harvard, who started trotting out papers based on surveys and “correlating” various products to disease or longevity. IARC working group members today are even more bold; they’ll sign expert witness agreements for trial lawyers wanting to sue companies before the chemical “under evaluation” has even been declared a “possible” carcinogen. (2) Despite that, Mylan, exploiting FDA bureaucracy which makes it costly for competitors to enter even the generic market like EpiPens, promotes anaphylaxis hazard to get every business to buy their stuff – “it’s for the children” – which will then expire each year and need to be replaced. There is a reason that company has the bad reputation they have. Unfortunately, the public thinks it is a “Big Pharma” ethical problem, when they are a generic drug company.

This content was originally published here.

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