Report Shows Organic Food Sales Hit a New Milestone in 2022

A recent survey released by the Organic Trade Association (OTA) shows that organic food sales in the U.S. set a new record in 2022. The 2023 Organic Industry Survey shows that total sales of organic products reached $67.6 billion last year. Sales growth in the sector was four percent, representing nearly a doubling of the pace of growth the year prior.

“Organic has proven it can withstand short-term economic storms. Despite the fluctuation of any given moment, Americans are still investing in their personal health, and, with increasing interest, in the environment; organic is the answer,” OTA CEO Tom Chapman said in a news release. “Organic’s fundamental values remain strong, and consumers have demonstrated they will come back time and again because the organic system is verified, and better for people, the planet, and the economy.” 

Organic Comes A Long Way

Over the last decade sales of organic products have increased by more than 95 percent as a whole. Organic food sales totaled $61.7 billion in 2022. It marks the first time that sales surpassed $60 billion. Comparatively, sales of organic food in 2013 totaled $31.8 billion. Overall sales of organic products totaled less than $20 billion in 2007. Inflation impacts were seen in the organic sector, similar to those in the conventional market. As a result, sales value of organic grew while volume declined in some areas.

Fresh organic fruits and vegetables accounted for 15 percent of all produce sales in the U.S. in 2022, totaling $22 billion. Certified organic now represents six percent of all food sales in the country, according to the survey. Organic beverages were the second most successful category with a four percent increase in sales totaling $9 billion. Sales of organic dairy and eggs increased by seven percent, according to survey data. The products now make up nearly eight percent of overall dairy and egg markets. Sales were reported as $7.9 billion last year.

About the Author

Ag News Director, AgNet West

This content was originally published here.

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