Spread the Love, Not Waste: Make Your Own Cleaning Products with Organic Food Waste

Welcome back to our “Spread the Love, Not Waste” series! In our previous posts, we’ve explored creative ways to use every part of organic fruits and vegetables. From carrot top chimichurri to utilising the whole beetroot and crafting your own organic vegetable stock, we’ve been on a mission to minimise food waste and celebrate sustainable cooking. In this fourth installment, we’re diving into the world of natural cleaning products. Yes, you read that right! You can create effective and eco-friendly cleaning solutions using parts of fruits and veggies that are often discarded. Let’s get started: 1. Citrus Peel All-Purpose Cleaner 1. Citrus Peel All-Purpose Cleaner
Ingredients: Citrus peels (lemons, oranges, or grapefruits) White vinegar Water A clean glass jar Instructions: Collect citrus peels (organic, of course!) from your kitchen. These peels contain natural oils that act as powerful degreasers and deodorizers. Fill a glass jar halfway with citrus peels. Pour white vinegar over the peels until the jar is almost full. Seal the jar and let it sit for at least two weeks. The vinegar will absorb the citrus goodness. Strain the infused vinegar into a spray bottle, diluting it with equal parts water. Use this solution as an all-purpose cleaner for countertops, glass, and surfaces. The fresh citrus scent will uplift your cleaning routine! 2. Herb-Infused Vinegar Window Cleaner 2. Herb-Infused Vinegar Window Cleaner
Ingredients: Stems of fresh herbs (rosemary, thyme, or basil) White vinegar A glass jar A spray bottle Instructions: Gather herb stems that you’d otherwise discard after using the leaves. Place the stems in a glass jar. Fill the jar with white vinegar, covering the stems completely. Seal the jar and let it infuse for a week or more. Strain the herb-infused vinegar into a spray bottle. Spray it on windows and mirrors, wiping them clean with a cloth. The herbal aroma adds a delightful touch! 3. Banana Peel Silver Polish 3. Banana Peel Silver Polish
Ingredients: Banana peels A soft cloth Instructions: Enjoy your bananas, but don’t toss the peels! Rub the inside of the banana peel on tarnished silverware. Buff the silver with a soft cloth. The natural oils in the peel will restore shine to your silver items. 4. Potato Starch Scrub 4. Potato Starch Scrub
Ingredients: Potato peels Baking soda Instructions: Save those potato peels! Mix them with a little baking soda to create a gentle scrub. Use it to clean stubborn stains on pots, pans, and sinks. Remember, these homemade cleaning products are free from harsh chemicals, kind to the environment, and utilise parts of fruits and veggies that might otherwise end up in the bin. Let’s spread the love for our planet while keeping our homes sparkling clean! 🌿🌎

This content was originally published here.

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