Natural remedies for PMS

Sharing some tips with natural remedies for PMS. Please keep in mind that this is for informational purposes and is not medical advice. If you struggle with PMS, please reach out to your health care provider for tips for your unique situation. Hi hi! How are you? I hope you’re enjoying the morning so far! […]
Choke, prong and shock collars can damage your dog | Dr. Peter Dobias – Dr. Dobias Natural Healing

Why collars can cause hypothyroidism and other health problems Learn about better alternatives Before you start reading the following lines, I invite you to do a little test. Open your hands with your thumbs touching each other. Place your thumbs at the base of your throat and with your fingers pointing back and surrounding the […]
The Physical Effects of Anxiousness and Natural Remedies

Anxiousness is a common condition that many individuals will experience during their lifetime. An estimated 19.1% of Americans reportedly experience anxiousness each year, and these estimates don’t account for the many who may be experiencing anxiousness silently. And anxiousness doesn’t only have mental or emotional symptoms. The physical effects of anxiousness are important to understand […]
How many supplements are too many for your dog? | Dr. Peter Dobias – Dr. Dobias Natural Healing

A complete guide to natural supplements for dogs Are you confused about which supplements dogs need? Do you find conflicting information? Would you like to know what to give your dog without giving too little or too much? I understand your pain. People often contact me because they are not sure what their dog needs. […]
11 Natural Remedies for Postpartum Depression

When it comes to recovering from childbirth, the mental recovery can be about as arduous as the physical one. Massive shifts in hormones, extreme sleep disruption and deprivation, changes in routine and identity, and some major rewiring of your brain as you transform into a mother can leave you feeling like you aren’t yourself. While […]
Are “Liver Treats” Good for Dogs? Dr. Dobias – Natural Healing

Is your dog at risk of liver treat toxicity? Being a dog lover or a veterinarian requires building a good rapport with dogs. Some dogs are social butterflies, while others take a little more convincing. Treats are one of the ways to connect with dogs and allow us to handle them and perform treatments when necessary. For most […]
The Best Natural Healing Remedies for Diabetes: Exploring Supplement and Plant-Based Approaches

Diabetes, a condition affecting millions worldwide, presents its unique set of challenges in daily life. If you or someone close to you is living with the condition, you’re likely familiar with the steady routine of monitoring blood sugar levels, carefully planning meals, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. While medications and traditional treatments form a significant […]
8 Steps to Treating Green-Eye Discharge in Dogs | Dr. Dobias – Dr. Dobias Natural Healing

Common causes of green eye discharge in dogs can be treated without antibiotics Green eye discharge (or as some people say, “green eye boogers”) is a common problem in puppies and adult dogs. Most people immediately jump to the conclusion that green or whitish discharge or mucus must mean there is an infection, but this is […]
Natural Remedies for Allergy Season

As the seasons change, many individuals find themselves dreading the arrival of allergy season. The sneezing, watery eyes, and stuffy noses can be both irritating and exhausting. While over-the-counter medications are commonly used to alleviate allergy symptoms, they often come with side effects. Fortunately, Mother Nature has provided us with an array of natural remedies […]
8 Natural Remedies To Quit Smoking

Is one of your goals to stop smoking? If so, good job taking that first step. Now, how exactly do you go about successfully completing your goal? Nicotine replacement products? Cold Turkey? Smoking can be considered one of the leading causes of death in this country, due to the huge amount of health issues it […]