I Tried Flor-Essence Herbal Detox Tea. Here’s My Review

I Tried Flor-Essence Herbal Detox Tea. Here’s My Review

Better Living uses affiliate links. If you make a purchase through them, we may receive a small commission (for which we are deeply grateful) at no cost to you . After feeling tired, bloated, and unable to focus in the new year, I felt like my body could use a reset. Thank you, stressful holiday […]

Prostate Cancer? Natural treatments… | GroveCanada.CA

Prostate Cancer? Natural treatments… | GroveCanada.CA

Start him on Humaworm… Have him take Boron (trophic Boron is about 3 mg per pill which is low, so take 5 pills x 3 times a day)… Magnesium & Epsom salt baths…Coffee enemas!!! Senna tea(Triple leaf tea company is $6 for their super slimming tea with senna dandelion papaya leaf licorice root)… Moringa Oleifera […]

The benefits of organic food for Namibia

The benefits of organic food for Namibia

Public awareness of the benefits of organic food to human health and the environment is growing in Namibia. The market availability of certified organic produce in the country, however, still leaves much to be desired, says the chairperson of the Namibia Organic Association (NOA). Aufderheide Voigts of farm Krumhuk, which is practising organic agriculture, says […]

Why organic food manufacturer picked Wilson County for $78M expansion to add 219 jobs

Why organic food manufacturer picked Wilson County for $78M expansion to add 219 jobs

Why organic food manufacturer picked Wilson County for $78M expansion to add 219 jobs An organic food company based in Oregon will expand to Lebanon and Wilson County with a $78.3 million investment that will create 219 jobs. Bridgetown Natural Foods announced plans to expand with a manufacturing and distribution facility at 8051 Eastgate Boulevard […]

New “Food Group” Controls High Blood Sugar

New “Food Group” Controls High Blood Sugar

For years leading natural doctors, health experts and alternative cancer clinics have been pointing to the amazing healing benefits of an antioxidant group called flavonoids. I won’t put myself in that class of medical expert, but my team and I have certainly agreed and reported on many of their findings over the years. Now, in […]

Finally, New Common Sense Nutritional Food Label Guidelines!

Finally, New Common Sense Nutritional Food Label Guidelines!

Browse your local supermarket, and you’ll spot the words “healthy” on many not-so-healthy foods. These include sugary cereals, granola bars, highly sweetened yogurts, and white breads. Now the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) aims to change that. A recently unveiled proposal would align more closely with current nutrition science and updated Dietary Guidelines […]