Top 10 Health Benefits of Juicing

Juicing is essentially nature’s greatest and best tasting form of medicine, as Hippocrates believed. And the gentleman had a very good point indeed. From strong bones, great skin to cancer prevention: juicing is a one-stop solution to getting the body onto a healthier track. And while the health benefits of juicing are far more than ten in number, the Internet loves its condensed, numerically ordered lists, and we always aim to please here at BestJuicer. Nature was, and still is, one of the greatest medicines ever put forth on this earth, and the ability to juice that potent gift and simply drink it is a godsend. Cancer, chronic heart disease and various other serious ailments can be preemptively taken out of action; if the body has all the nutrients, antioxidants, vitamins and alkaline it needs to fight off free radicals. Antioxidants are a very important part of the health equation. A big deal has been made of antioxidants and their role in juicing, and rightly so as a matter of fact, because they do help immensely in limiting free radicals inside the body. Serious amounts of antioxidants are found in wheatgrass, beet, garlic, berries, tomatoes and red grapes, all of which generally make for some pretty tasty juices in and of themselves, but the added health benefits antioxidants bring to the table make them must have ingredients in any juicer’s arsenal. Micro-nutrients are lost when air and heat come in contact with fruits or veggies. Which is why juicing is preferable to cooking and blending. Masticating juicers are particularly preferable when full nutritional value reigns supreme. Oxidation, a process that causes chemical reactions when fresh produce meets air, combined with heat, generally reduces the nutritional value of fruit and other things we want to juice. That’s why, using masticating juicers is a great way to retain all the nutrition of a drink, and provide the full benefits of a fruit or green, as mother nature intended. Water, water, oh sweet water. The key to life and good health lies in proper hydration, which keeps the cells alive and healthy. Human beings lose fluids that power our cells constantly, alongside the vitamins, minerals and enzymes they contain– on a daily basis. We need to replenish these lost goodies everyday, and absolutely nothing does the job better than a healthy, hydration filled glass of juice. Almost any combo of fruits and vegetables will do the job, and orange juice is of course an expert at replenishing water and vitamin C in the body. Although not an all-in-one solution to weight loss , juicing can help boost the results of most exercise regiments. Replacing electrolytes, helping to repair damaged muscles and also keep the body hydrated as it looses fat; juicing is a great way to supplement any diet or workout. From calm workouts such as yoga, jogging and pilates to more sweaty efforts like weight-lifting, martial arts and aerobics, juicing is the weight loser’s best friend! The human body has an easier time digesting and assimilating nutrients from fruits and vegetables juice, rather than from the whole product. It takes about an hour for the breakdown to fully start when it comes to proper produce, whereas the body takes and distributes everything from a juice within 15 minutes. For people with iron or vitamin deficiencies, this is a surefire and quick way to stock up anything the body is missing (in terms of nutrients and vitamins). Junk food is little more than a dose of toxins disguised as fat, sugar and salt. Juicing is the most natural, easy and healthy way to cleansing the human body from things that should not, by nature’s right, be there in the first place. Detox works by keeping the human body’s digestive tract and colon, free of obstructions, which in turn allows a more efficient metabolism to do its work better. Once again, super food beetroot, seaweeds, dandelions, flaxseeds, lemons, turmeric and apples are great for detoxing. Juicing doesn’t just help keep the insides clean and healthy, but can be a great way to keep the outside looking healthy as well. From brittle nails to dry skin, wrinkles, acne and redness, juicing has the ability to clear up most skin blemishes within a few months. Two glasses of your preferred juice concoction a day will benefit the outer appearance immensely. And who doesn’t want a good dose of natural beauty alongside a healthy body? The body’s pH scale is the key to a truly well balanced diet, but unfortunately most modern foods are designed to create an extremely acidic environment within us, which even detoxing doesn’t really help too much with. Creating an alkaline friendly environment within the body can stave off most common health issues such as bloating, acidity, eczema, cramps, headaches and swelling. Most fruits and vegetables (vegetables in particular), help immensely in promoting an alkaline environment — maintaining a proper 7.0 balance ratio which the body needs. We did say in the beginning of this article, juicing can be about ten separate health benefits, or be viewed as one simple pro: good health. A juicing routine will ultimately make you a healthier and happier person. And do so within a discernible time limit, depending on the goal in mind and your dedication. Now that we’re acquainted with the ten major benefits of juicing, all that’s left to do is pick up a juicer, a recipe book and get started!

This content was originally published here.

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