Understanding the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program|Interv…

In this video, Joe Shannon takes a seat to interview our managing vaccine injury attorney, Jonathan Svitak.

Jonathan addresses all of your concerns about the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP), including:

– What is the VICP, and why was it produced?
– Which vaccines are covered in the VICP?
– What are the most common serious vaccine injuries?
– Is the COVID-19 vaccine covered in the VICP?
– Do I have to sue my doctor in order to file a vaccine injury claim?
– How long do I need to sue?
– Will the Department of Health and Human Services eliminate SIRVA from the VICP?

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DOWNLOAD JONATHAN’S BOOK, UNDERSTANDING THE VACCINE INJURY COMPENSATION PROGRAM: https://shannonlawgroup.com/free-vaccine-injury-compensation-program-book/

If you have a SIRVA claim, your time might be limited to file a claim with the anticipation that the vaccine you received triggered your shoulder injury. This anticipation makes your claim considerably easier to pursue. We encourage you to call us as soon as possible if you believe you have a case.

Have a look at our video on SIRVA injuries here: https://youtu.be/YquItzlox1o

At Shannon Law Group, our thoughtful injury attorneys are devoted to helping injured victims and their families recover financially and mentally after a vaccine injury. We make every effort to make a difference in the lives of real people, one customer at a time.


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Shannon Law Group, P.C.
135 S. LaSalle St.
Ste 2200
Chicago, IL 60603
Phone: (312) 578-9501
Text: (312) 847-2428
Open 24/7 – 7 days a week
Free Consultations Available

UPDATE: HHS’s Proposed Rule Change has been postponed for an additional 60 days. If you have a SIRVA claim, your time might be restricted to submit a claim with the anticipation that the vaccine you received caused your shoulder injury. This anticipation makes your claim significantly simpler to pursue. We encourage you to contact us as soon as possible if you believe you have a case. We offer totally free consultations, and you can call us 24/7: https://shannonlawgroup.com/contact-us/​.

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