Yoga for a Flat Stomach | Rapid Belly Fat Burn | Yoga for a Slim Waist | Weight Loss | Dr. Hansaji

🧘 Trim Your Tummy in 10 Minutes with this Yoga Routine! 🌟
Namaste, health enthusiasts! Discover an efficient 10-minute yoga routine to target belly fat and enhance your overall well-being. Here’s the essence of the script in bullet points:
1. Konasana 3 – Triangle Pose:
Stretch and bend to improve blood circulation.
Enhances skin health, oxygen delivery, and nutrient distribution.
Energizing preparation for subsequent poses.
2. Standing Vakrasana – Standing Twist:
Targets core muscles to eliminate waist flabbiness.
Gentle twist stimulates abdominal muscles and tones them.
3. Ardhamatsyendrasana – Half Lord of the Fishes Pose:
Twisting pose enhances flexibility and improves digestion.
Works on belly muscles, reducing bloating over time.
4. Naukasana – Boat Pose:
Challenging core-strengthening pose.
Targets rectus abdominis and transverse abdominis muscles.
5. Dhanurvakrasana – Bow Pose with Twist:
Arching the back engages abdominal muscles.
Targets upper and lower back muscles, including erector spinae.
6. Bhujangasana – Cobra Pose:
Lifts upper body, activating abdominal muscles.
Gentle backbend tones the tummy and aids digestion.
7. Bhastrika Pranayama – Bellows Breath:
Energizing pranayama boosts metabolism.
Increased oxygen intake aids calorie burn and stimulates the abdominal region.
8. Shavasana – Corpse Pose:
Conclude the practice with Shavasana for stress reduction.
Allows the body to recover and rejuvenate completely.
Remember: Yoga is a holistic practice promoting overall wellness. Weight loss is a positive side-effect. Dedicate just 10 minutes a day to experience the transformative benefits of yoga in your mind and body. Namaskar! 🙏

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