Pentagon memo reveals host of mutilations ‘transgender’ soldiers can undergo at taxpayers’ expense; notes they can dodge deployments, receive indefinite physical fitness waivers

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A Department of Defense memo has recently been brought to light that reveals the special treatment that transvestites are to receive from and in the U.S. military — an organization historically entrusted with maintaining a robust fighting force to win America’s wars and protect U.S. national interests.

Transvestite privileges in the military have come a long way since President Joe Biden signed an executive order in January 2021 overturning the Trump administration’s ban on the service of “transgender” individuals in the armed forces.

Now, service members who deny the reality of their biological sex will not only receive a host of sex-change and cosmetic surgeries at taxpayers’ expense — if so desired — but can also receive exemptions from uniform and fitness standards as well sit out deployments.

These and other perks are detailed in a Feb. 1 document obtained by independent journalist Jordan Schachtel of the Dossier, entitled “Care of Service Members Who Identify as Transgender.”

The “proponent” of this document appears to have been U.S. Army Colonel David R. Zinnante, commander of the Womack Army Medical Center.

The stated objectives of the document are to ensure uniform guidelines accommodate transvestites; ensure that transvestites seeking hormone injections or sex-change mutilations are tended to by clinicians “who are qualified to deliver safe healthcare that is culturally sensitive”; and to “emphasize appropriate communication with unit commanders.”

America’s gender-dysphoric warfighters must be provided “a safe and effective pathway to achieve lasting personal comfort with their gendered selves,” according to the memo.

To ensure and maximize this personal comfort, the Pentagon will pay for transvestites’ so-called care, including but not limited to, “speech/voice therapy, cross-sex hormone therapy, laser hair removal, voice feminization surgery, facial contouring, body contouring, breast/chest surgery (colloquially referred to as ‘upper’ surgery), and genital reassignment/confirmation surgery (‘lower’ surgery).”

In order to receive this “care,” service members need to undergo psychological assessment.

Whereas mentally ill recruits, those found to be on medications, women with abnormal uterine bleeding, men with mangled genitals, those with chronic anxiety, those who have committed self-harm, and those who have met in the past with psychiatrists are routinely barred from joining the armed forces, it appears such prohibitions do not apply to those who claim to be “transgender,” although transvestites still apparently have to “demonstrate evidence of resilience and adaptability in both military training and non-training environments” and undergo various evaluations.

The Biden White House has stated that “America is stronger, at home and around the world, when it is inclusive. … The military is no exception.”

One of the memo’s appendices appears to suggest otherwise, noting that cross-sex hormone treatments have a number of deleterious effects, such as:

While National Security Council spokesman John Kirby and Democrats have suggested that recent Republican efforts to scrap LGBT programming and other woke initiatives in the military adversely impact combat readiness, the memo also acknowledges that transvestites are non-deployable when undergoing hormone therapies for anywhere from six to nine months and can be sidelined even longer by sex-change procedures.

The guidelines apply to active-duty service members currently assigned to and serving with the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Space Force, or Coast Guard “who receive their care at Womack Army Medical Center and affiliated health clinics.”

A Feb. 22, 2018, Pentagon memo indicated that based on “the Department’s best military judgment, the Department of Defense concludes that there are substantial risks associated with allowing the accession and retention of individuals with a history or diagnosis of gender dyphoria and require or have already undertake, a course of treatment to change their gender.”

The memo, penned by then-Secretary of Defense James Mattis, added, “The Department also finds that exempting such persons from well-established mental health, physical health, and sex-based standards, which apply to all Service members, including transgender Service members without gender dysphoria, could undermine readiness, disrupt unit cohesion, and impose an unreasonable burden on the military that is not conducive to military effectiveness and lethality.”

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This content was originally published here.

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