With Valentine’s Day this month, many of us will be hoping to put aside some time to reconnect with our partners romantically and sexually.
However loss of libido is a common problem as we get older, particularly during perimenopause and menopause. The drop in oestrogen and testosterone levels it brings can make it more difficult to become aroused, as well as causing vaginal dryness.
Thankfully there are ways to boost our sex drives – including some natural solutions!
Vitamin A
Your body needs vitamin A to make testosterone, which helps with the growth and repair of your reproductive tissues and is essential for a normal reproductive cycle. It’s found in citrus fruits, eggs, milk and carrots.
Vitamin E
Vitamin E is sometimes known as the “sex vitamin” because it increases blood flow to your genitals, helping you to get aroused. It also boosts your stamina and energy, and regulates your libido and your hormones. Good sources of vitamin E include eggs, oily fish, peanuts, mango, broccoli and spinach.
Omega 3s
Studies have shown that omega 3s can reduce anxiety and depression, which may boost your interest in sex and ability to enjoy it. Omega 3s can also increase your dopamine levels, triggering arousal as well as improving your mood. They also moisturise your skin and mucous membranes, reducing dryness. Omega 3s are found in oily fish and seeds – or can be taken as a supplement.
B Vitamins
Vitamin B6, found in foods like cottage cheese, brussels sprouts, avocados, tuna, salmon and chickpeas, is said to aid in the production of oestrogen and testosterone as well as helping to maintain an elevated level of prolactin. B6, as well as B12 (found in eggs, beef, oysters and crab) can also apparently give you a more intense orgasm because it increases blood flow to your vagina. Plus B vitamins boost your energy – which is always handy in the bedroom!
Magnesium helps your body to produce oestrogen, which promotes higher levels of sexual desire and increased vaginal lubrication. Magnesium also reduces stress and anxiety, which can help you get in the mood for sex and make it easier for you to orgasm too. It’s found in whole grains, spinach, legumes, nuts and seeds, or it can also be taken as a supplement.

A deficiency in iron can lead to low libido, vaginal dryness, and inability to orgasm. You’ll find it in red meats, eggs, green vegetables and beans, or it can be taken as a supplement (but check with your doctor first).
Saffron is a delicious spice that’s often used in Indian cuisine – but did you know it can also act as an aphrodisiac? Saffron can reduce stress and get you more in the mood for sex, especially if you take antidepressants. One review of five studies found that saffron majorly improved various aspects of sexual desire, pleasure and arousal in both men and women.
A review of ten studies found that red ginseng improved sexual arousal in women who had gone through the menopause – and it also combats erectile disfunction. Plus it’s a great energy-booster, reducing fatigue and lowering oxidative damage. It can be taken as a supplement or as a tea, though it can come with side effects like headaches or upset stomach so tread carefully.
If you have any questions about your sexual health or concerns regarding your libido, it would be best to speak to your GP to rule out any underlying health conditions.
This content was originally published here.