The 5 Best Anti-Aging Probiotics, Doctors Say

The 5 Best Anti-Aging Probiotics, Doctors Say Studies have shown promising results when evaluating these probiotics. Over the years, we get older and wiser—but some signs of aging are less desirable than others. We know that different factors like sun exposure and diet can impact our appearance and overall health, which is why so many […]
The Best Natural Treatment for Arthritis Aches and Pains

Arthritis is a painful ailment that can make a person feel isolated and confined on their path. In order to manage discomfort, many arthritis sufferers turn to antirheumatic medicines, steroid injections, or joint replacement surgery. Physical therapy and other natural treatments, on the other hand, have been shown to provide greater results for many people. […]
Why Nothing Can Do What Grounding Can Do For Your Health – Intuition Physician

Clear air is awesome and nurturing. Nutrient dense foods and raw juicing is powerful and cleansing. Meditation is relaxing and centering. Pure filtered water is hydrating and supportive. Nutritional supplements can be balancing and healing. But inevitably, with every holistic healing modality I worked with prior to grounding, there would be some patients who benefit […]
3 things I wish I had known as a yoga beginner

Stepping into a yoga studio for the first time might look like a haven of Lululemon, atmosphere sprays and the best yoga mats one could buy, but for many yoga beginners, it can also feel intimidating. Having been there myself, I decided to discuss the three things I wish I had known as a yoga […]
wellhealthorganic home remedies tag : Natural remedies for everyday illnesses

The healthcare teams at wellhealthorganic home remedies, an online health and wellness advice platform that utilizes natural and evidence-based alternative medicine approaches, have shared twenty remedies that can be easily implemented at home to promote and sustain good health. Here’s what everyone should be aware of wellhealthorganic home remedies tag: Consuming pomegranate juice daily is […]
Are Anti-Aging Products Good? – Reviva Labs

In the pursuit of eternal youth, anti-aging products have become the cornerstone of skincare routines worldwide. This billion-dollar industry thrives on the promise of diminishing wrinkles, fine lines, and other signs of aging, offering a glimmer of hope to those yearning to turn back time. But with the plethora of products available on the market, […]
Exploring New Flavors | Juicing Apple Zucchini Juice with my Nama J2

Juice with me! In this video, I am trying apple and zucchini juice for the first time and sharing my thoughts and reactions. I love trying new recipes, so if you know any good, healthy recipes, I would love to hear from you in the comments! ✨ Interested in losing weight naturally? Check out my […]
8 Effective Natural Remedies to Reduce Eczema Symptoms

Eczema is a condition that affects a lot of people and it can get quite frustrating at times. It causes the affected skin to get really dry, itchy and scaly, leaving you restless and in need of quick relief. It is estimated that 1-3 percent of adult Americans suffer from this chronic problem. However, it’s […]
Top 15 Natural Healing Secrets in Nigeria

The Top Natural Healing Secrets in Nigeria 1. Aloe Vera Aloe vera is one of the most widely used medicinal plants in Nigeria. The gel from aloe leaves can be applied topically to treat burns, wounds, and skin conditions. Aloe also has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties when taken internally. Nigerians have relied on aloe vera […]
Britney Spears starts intermittent fasting diet

Britney Spears says she’s ‘too tiny and weak’ to post more racy Instagram photos after starting intermittent fasting – and claims the diet has taken her to a new ‘spiritual dimension’ Britney Spears has entered a new ‘spiritual dimension’ – and it’s all thanks to her latest diet. The 42-year-old announced on Friday that she’s […]