Natural Healing: Scalar And Electromagnetic Energy

In order to foster a secure and loving atmosphere, minimize harm or outbursts, and improve communication and understanding between adults and children, it is essential to learn techniques for calming an anxious child. These techniques aid in defusing tension and paving the way for candid discussion. Teaching children good coping strategies and emotional control techniques […]
Elderberry natural healing vitamins help treat colds, flu – The Voice

Share this article: By Donna Crane Second of two parts Written By: GreenMedInfo Research Group The Science of Natural Healing Please take note that the science of natural healing, in part one, revealed the benefits of elderberry for viral infection protection, immune activation, and potent antioxidant functions. Pat two begins with how elderberry effectively treats […]
7 Natural Remedies For Hot Flashes and Night Sweats

As the most common symptom of perimenopause and menopause, hot flashes have become the nemesis of women everywhere. While medical options can help, there are also natural remedies to try! The most common symptoms of a hot flash include: A sudden feeling of warmth spreading through your upper body and face A flushed appearance with […]
Natural Remedies and Lifestyle Changes to Prevent Hair Loss and Promote Regrowth – Rampdiary

Hair loss can be a real embarrassing and distressing experience for both men and women. Factors such as stress, hormonal imbalances, medication, and certain medical conditions can contribute to hair thinning and baldness. While there are various treatments available, many individuals seek natural remedies and lifestyle changes to address the issue. In this article, we […]
My Dog Ate a Foreign Object – Ways To Make a Dog Throw Up | Dr. Dobias – Dr. Dobias Natural Healing

Induce Vomiting to Prevent Surgery: What to do When your Dog Eats a Foreign Object The pit was large and flat and it was unlikely to go further than the stomach. I thought if we made Barkley throw up, it could get stuck in the esophagus. We had to find a way that would make […]
Dog Eye Infections Home Remedy, Causes & More | Dr. Dobias – Dr. Dobias Natural Healing

How to treat eye discharge without antibiotics Eye discharge is one of the most common problems in dogs. Whenever a client came in with concerns about their dog’s eyes, the first question I asked was what they felt was happening. Most people replied that they were concerned about their dog having an eye infection and […]
Natural Remedies For Skin Tags Removal — Guardian Life — The Guardian Nigeria News – Nigeria and World News

Natural Remedies For Skin Tags Removal By Itoro Oladokun 13 August 2023 | 10:00 am Skin tags are harmless growths that appear on the surface of the skin, often, in areas where the skin folds or rubs against itself. While they are generally benign and pose no health risks, many individuals find them […]
Retractable Leashes: Are They Sabotaging Your Dog’s Health? I Dr. Dobias – Dr. Dobias Natural Healing

The health and safety hazards of retractable dog leashes you need to be aware of Before I get into the nitty-gritty of why retractable leashes can endanger your dog’s well-being, I’d like to invite you to do an experiment. If you have a dog collar nearby, put it on your neck, attach a retractable leash […]
How to Fix Scoliosis Naturally: Natural Treatment Options

If you’re a parent who has recently discovered that your child has scoliosis, you may be feeling overwhelmed and concerned about the treatment options available. The good news is that surgery or bracing isn’t always necessary to treat scoliosis in children. In this comprehensive blog post, we will delve into the world of non-invasive scoliosis […]
6 Natural Remedies for UTI Relief

When foreign and harmful bacteria enter the urinary tract, a UTI can result. They’re often characterized by frequent and strong urges to urinate, painful urination, and very strong-smelling urine. There are a lot of natural remedies to relieve a UTI. None of these remedies are invasive, and they have been proven to be beneficial to […]