Israeli Teenager Hospitalized in ICU for “Inflammation of th…

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Israeli Teenager Hospitalized in ICU for “Inflammation of the Heart” Days after Receiving Second Pfizer Vaccine
See: Are More People Being Harmed by the Pfizer Experimental” Vaccine”than from COVID? CNA Nursing Home Whistleblower: Seniors Are DYING LIKE FLIES After COVID Injections! Is the Tennessee Nurse Who Passed Out on Live Camera After the COVID Vaccine Still Alive?


the Israeli government allegedly supposedly out a secret deal offer

Pfizer to secure large protect of their experimental COVID mRNA injections in return for giving Pfizer offering to approval the Israeli population as guinea pigs. See: Are More People Being Harmed by the Pfizer Experimental” Vaccine”than from COVID? As the world’s senior population continues passing away

in alarming worrying just simply receiving the experimental COVID mRNA injections, the focus now begins on the younger, child-bearing populations. CNA Nursing Home Whistleblower: Seniors Are DYING LIKE FLIES After COVID Injections! Is the Tennessee Nurse Who Passed Out on Live Camera After the COVID Vaccine Still Alive?

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